Tuesday, June 30, 2009

NEW BLOG.....already?

I know it seems I just started in this crazy world of blogging, and now I am launching my 2nd blog and working out some logo details...I cant wait, as I am clearly impatient, but love that it is coming together at its own pace.
Now that I have collection and brands for other projects, I look forward to one logo that really engulfs my style and encompasses the brands and projects therein. A lot of editing lately side by side with album and book making. I will be updating somewhat behind the scenes and then drawing interest in the next week or so when things calm down and get a chance to get ready for some attention. :) I am comforted when I realize there are many other busy artists that find it difficult to keep up with all the social networking, emailing, family, blogging, was family really 3rd here....lets start over, family, shooting, editing, uploading, importing and exporting, watermarking, cd burning, album designing, cleaning, basic needs, personal projects, more editing....you get the idea. Its TOUGH. Think about how it takes you SO long to get your family pics on facebook or another profile, imagine that like 5 times a week on top of everything.
I do feel once I get the new blog designwise where I want it. I will have the opp to cover a few topics of interest, personal projects open for collaboration and a little personal history that contributes to my work and perspective. I think that might be quite nice.
All the best and off to get rest. ~aimee

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